New: Get notified when there is an available car nearby
Activate a radar in the app - then we will notify you about the first available car
No cars nearby? Get notified automatically when there is an available car near you. You can now activate a radar in the app and choose in which area and time period you want to be notified about an available car. It is smart when you need to go later in the day or are going home from work.
When an available car appears within your desired area, we will notify you on your phone. And even smarter: You can choose to have the first available car reserved automatically for you for only 5€. Then you’ll be the first in line to get the first available car.
Activate a radar.
And get notified about the first available car.
Select the time and area that the radar should follow. When there is an available car within the area, you will receive a push notification on your phone. Remember to turn on push notifications for GreenMobility so you are sure to receive the message.
Get notified: 0€
Reservation: 5€
Activate a radar in the app
Reserve and be the first in line
We will notify you of an available car
Need a car in the future?
Do you already know that you need a car at a certain time, for example, when you are going to an important meeting, at the airport or at a party? Have a car delivered directly to you. We deliver our electric cars to addresses within the zone every day from only 10€.