Get a car delivered directly to an address inside the zone

You get the car delivered close to your front door or at a desired address in Helsinki – within the zone and at the time you need it. Prebook in the app in the menu called “Delivery of car”.

Just like a regular taxi, you order transportation directly to the address, but simply drive the car yourself. Greener, cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

How it works

Do you already know that you will need a car to get to a summer house or to a meeting next week? Get a car delivered to your front door.

Go to “Delivery of car” in the app, add your information and choose date and time.  You will receive an SMS that you will need to approve. Afterward, one of our Street Runners delivers a car shortly before the scheduled time. You will receive a message when the car is ready for you. The car will delivered so that it is ready 20 minutes before the scheduled time. This 20 minutes are free reservation time and after this 0,15€/min will be charged for the reservation as normal. You have 60 minutes to start the trip from the scheduled time.

Pre-booking must be made min. 14 hours before you need the car.


Delivery within 500 meters from the desired address: 5€

Delivery to an address or nearest available parking spot: 10€

Delivery to the airport: 10€

Prebook in the app.

Download the app and prebook right away.

Download i Google Play Download i AppStore

Go to the menu in the app and press “Prebook”.

NOTE: Prebooking of cars is only possible for addresses within the zone.

Drive and leave the car at the desired destination within the zone. Easy, convenient and green. See our parking rules here.

Find en elbil på kortet i appen

Call +358 9 42454754 for support